39th ACM International Collegiate
Programming Contest
16th Asian Regional Contest in Iran
18–19 December, 2014
(27–28 Azar, 1393)
Final Rankings
Problems - Test Data

2nd Iranian ICPC Challenge
18 December, 2014
Contest Page
2nd Iranian ICPC Challenge —2014-11-30
The 2nd Iranian ICPC Challenge will be held during the regional contest. See more information in the contest page.
Registration —2014-11-20
Registration is now open. The deadline for the final registration is December 3, 2014 (12 Azar).
Detailed information can be found at our registration page.
Internet Programming Contest —2014-11-12
The Iran Internet Programming Contest will be held on Thursday, November 27th (6 Azar). All teams must solve at lease one problem in this contest to qualify for the regional contest.
Welcome! —2014-10-05
Welcome to the official website of the 2014 ACM/ICPC Asian Regional Contest in Iran.
The contest news are posted regularly at the ACM Persian blog.