Computing Environment
- CPU : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz
- Memory : 256MB, HDD : 40G
- Monitor : Samsung SyncMaster, 17in
- Mouse : PS/2 Wheel Mouse
- Keyboard : 106-Keyboard(ps/2)
- OS : Win/XP professional with SP1.
- Visual Studio 6.0 with SP5.
- Java2 SDK-1.4.2_02
- eclipse 2.1.1
- Borland Delphi 7
- Borland Pascal 7
- Borland C++ 3.1
Contest Environment
Problem Selection
The scientific committee is responsible for preparing the contest problems
which are selected from those proposed by its
member and received from the participating teams.
All universities are asked to contribute to this important task.
A call for problem proposal will be sent out.
So far as possible, the problems will avoid
dependence on detailed knowledge of a particular application area or
programming language.