38th ACM International Collegiate
Programming Contest
15th Asian Regional Contest in Iran
19–20 December, 2013
Final Rankings
Problems - Test Data

1st Iranian ICPC Challenge
19 December, 2013
Contest Page -

11th Iran Internet Contest
28 November, 2013
Contest Page -
On-Site Contest —2014-01-03
The 2013 ACM-ICPC Tehran Regional Contest has ended successfully. You can see the contest final rankings, problem sets, and photos.
Challenge Deadline Extended —2013-12-14
The deadline for submitting your code to the 1st Iranian ICPC Challenge is extended by two days, until December 16, 2013.
Program Schedule —2013-12-12
The contest program schedule is now available at our Schedule Page.
1st Iranian ICPC Challenge —2013-12-02
The 1st Iranian ICPC Challenge will be held during the regional contest. See more information in the contest page.
Registration Deadline —2013-12-01
The deadline for the final registration is December 8, 2013.
Detailed information on the registration process can be found at our registration page.
Internet Contest Held —2013-11-29
The 10th Iran Internet Programming Contest was held on November 28th. You can see the problems, test cases, and the final rankings at this page.
11th Internet Programming Contest —2013-11-23
The 11th Iran Internet Programming Contest will be held on Thursday, November 28th. See the contest page.
Welcome! —2013-10-05
Welcome to the official website of the 2013 ACM/ICPC Asian Regional Contest in Iran.
The contest news are posted regularly at the ACM Persian blog.